Photographing a glacial lake near Huaraz, Peru

Photographing a glacial lake near Huaraz, Peru

The Photographer


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Joseph Teplitz is passionate about photography. His fine art photography consists of nature, architecture, travel, cityscapes and abandoned industrial sites.  He sells fine art photographs on the web and through other shows and exhibitions. His Pittsburgh photos are available at Visit Pittsburgh stores. Many of the nature shots in his portfolio are from near his home in Ligonier, PA and he is a regular at the Ligonier Country Market.

Joe’s commercial photography includes residential and commercial interiors, environmental portraiture., and photographing artistic events and installations.

Joe uses Nikon equipment primarily and is a member of Nikon Professional Services, but he believes “The best camera is the one you have with you!”

Joe is past chairman of the board of The Mountain Institute, which has worked for almost 40 years with communities in the Himalayas, Andes and Appalachians to promote sustainable economic development in the mountains, conservation of mountain environments, and support of mountain cultures. Additionally, he is a member of the Explorers Club and American Alpine Club. Many of his international photographs have been made on travel associated with those endeavors.